CAPD violating orders of previous coalition Govt : Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 12: Bharatiya Janata Party has expressed solidarity with the people who are suffering due to non-availability of rations for more than two months because of the lackadaisical approach of the CAPD Department and the State administration. The people in Jammu city and other far-flung areas are highly agitated due to the failure of the administration to supply rations in CAPD depots on one pretext or the other.
The party spokesperson expressed concern due to the fact that despite repeated representations to the Director CAPD and the administration no action is being taken to mitigate the serious problem faced by the public.
The Sub-committee headed by Dr. Nirmal Singh ex- Deputy Chief Minister had made many people -friendly recommendations to ensure that the public is benefitted at large due to implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) in the State and nobody is put to inconvenience. The recommendations of the committee were approved by the cabinet and were to be implemented to ensure that NFSA proves boon to the public w.e.f 1 March 2016 when the scheme was to be launched. Unfortunately, due to the untimely death of Mufti Sahib, the government ceased to exist resulting in faulty and hurried implementation of the scheme causing hardships to the public.
Brig Anil Gupta, has demanded that all the decisions taken by the Nirmal Singh Committee should be implemented by the present administration. He also demanded action against the officials of CAPD who have violated the Government orders issued by the alliance Government thus leading to large scale dissatisfaction among the people.
Listing the problems being faced by the people Brig Gupta said that supply of rations as per 2011 census as approved by the alliance Government should not be violated at any cost. Supply of flour instead of wheat must be ensured to all entitled people. Sugar and kerosene oil should also be provided as per entitlement.