Care of House Plants

Ashok Gupta
Now it is spring,time and again inclimatic weather conditions remind  us about  the winter and this is the time when the house plants need  utmost care.As the dormant season of winter in Jammu and Kashmir makes the plants less vigorous,  the plants therefore do not give us the true colours and vigorous nature.
Foliage plants are the backbone of the most of house plants collection.In full year around,they provide varied shades of green,a rich variety of texture and shapes. Plants can be found to match the conditions,spot from a brighter corner of a window to dim corner of the bathroom.
How you choose and display the plant is up to you and your taste but all can be made to match the interior design.
If you are buying the plants from a Nursery,examine plants carefully before buying. Foliage plants should look healthy and have good colour. Stems and leaves should be firm not wilted or distorted. New growth should be evident and should be natural. While choosing a flower pot do not pick with flowers in full bloom. The blossom on plants in full flower often fade quickly. Plants with numerous buds,but fewer blooms generally last much longer.
Check each plant for disease and insects. Avoid any plant already infected with mealybug,red spide mite or scale.These plants will quickly infect the rest of the plants.Check the soil,feel it with finger.It should not be too loose or too compacted.If compacted one can refill the plant with some loose soil.
Once you have choosen house plants that add the best bloom and foliage to your inside rooms,then we have to take care of them..
Be sure that your plants get light: A window is an ideal place,but make sure you have a saucer or tray underneath.
Water them as needed: Pkants need water,but not too much nor too little.When you water,water it untill you can see it come out of the bottom of the pot.
Watch out for plant pests: Sometimes plants attarct pests-insects that eat the plant and cause it to loose vigour.A continuous or periodic check may protect them from drying.
Use a nice pot : A decorative pot or planter that co-ordinate with the furnishings can really enhance the beauty of the plant
Top five Air purifying house plants are: Hedera helix,Fish tail palm, Areca palm, Fish tail fern, peace lily.
Top five plants for Bed room are: Money plant,Dracenea Ficus,Areca palm,Baby rubber plant.
Top five plants for Bathroom are: Cholrophytum,Asparagus,Fish tail palm,Moneyplant,Hardy begonias.
Top five Hanging basket plants are: Hedera helix, Begonia red, English varigated ivy, Cholorophytum,Transcatia.
(The author is Deputy Director Floriculture)