Care for Teenage skin during winter

Shahnaz Husain
We are all born with good skin. But, as we grow older, the skin is influenced by many factors, like our diets, habits, lifestyle and physical changes. Teenage is a time when there is much hormonal activity.
This also affects oil glands, leading to oily skin, blackheads, spots, pimples and acne. During winter, when the humidity is less, even an oily skin may feel dry. It feels stretched and taut soon after washing with soap and water. However, this may be superficial dryness of the outer layer and the application of heavy creams may lead to clogging of the pores and acne. So, it is necessary to understand your skin and give it the skin of care it needs.
Good health and physical fitness are important for healthy, glowing skin. Daily exercise adds a healthy glow by improving blood circulation to the surface. Adequate sleep is a beauty treatment in itself. Diet plays an important role too. Sweets, chocolates, cola drinks, fried foods and snacks can have a detrimental effect. Lack of fibre in the diet can lead to constipation and a congested system. This gives rise to pimples and acne. So, include fruits, raw salads, sprouts and lightly cooked vegetables in your daily diet. Drink plenty of water and take fresh fruit juices diluted with water. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of warm water and have it first thing in the morning.
During winter, use a cleansing milk or face wash for your skin. Then wipe the face with a skin tonic, using cotton wool. You can also mix rose water with an astringent lotion in equal quantities and use it to tone the skin after cleansing. This improves blood circulation to the skin surface and adds a glow. You can also go for a “clean-up” treatment at a beauty salon. It includes removal of stubborn blackheads.
A “pick-me-up” face mask can leave your skin clean and glowing. When the skin looks dull, mix one teaspoon each honey, lemon juice and rose water with egg white and apply it on the face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. Then give the skin a compress with the cold rose water soaked cotton wool pads.
Use a facial scrub twice a week. It helps to cleanse pores and brighten the skin. It also helps to discourage and dislodge blackheads. Avoid scrubs on pimples, acne or rash. Make a facial scrub with walnut powder and one teaspoon each rose water and curd. Apply the mixture on the face and leave on for a few minutes. Then, rub gently, with small circular movements, washing off with plenty of water.
Apply a mask twice a week. Mix Multani Mitti with rose water and one teaspoon curd into a paste and apply on the face, avoiding the lips and area around eyes. Wash it off when it is dry. For combination skin, apply the mask on oily areas of the skin.
Fruit packs are also great for adding radiance to the skin and suit teenage skin. Mix grated apples with ripe papaya pulp and mashed banana. Apply it on the face and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with plain water. It not only adds a glow, but also removes tan and softens the skin.
Winter Home Remedies to relieve dryness of the skin!
Apply aloe vera gel on the face and wash off after 15 minutes. It is a powerful natural moisturizer. It moisturizes without making the skin oily.
If you have oily skin with pimples, apply 2 teaspoons curd with a pinch of turmeric on the face, washing wash it off after 20 minutes with plenty of water.
For oily and acne-prone skin, mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon curd and a little turmeric. Wash it off with plenty of water after 20 minutes.
Skin care may seem like a boring routine. But, your skin is your responsibility, so learn to take care of it in every season.