Casual labourers of GMCH & associated hospitals hold protest

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 30: Casual labourers of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) Jammu and associated hospitals today took out a procession under the banner of J&K Government Employees, Casual Labourers, Workers and Pensioners United Platform, in the premises of Medical College, to protest against the delaying tactics of Principal, GMCH Jammu, regarding resuming of their duties.
Hundreds of causal labours of Medical College and other departments assembled in CD Hospital and started procession up to the office of Principal, GMCH Jammu, raising slogans in support of their demands and urging the Principal and other higher authorities of Medical Education Department for immediate settlement of the case of resuming their duties without any further delay.
While addressing the protesting workers in front of Principal’ office, Mohammed Gafoor Dar, State convener of United Platform, urged upon the Principal and higher authorities of Medical Education to settle the case of about 90 causal labour of Medical College so that they may resume their duties.
Dar further said now when after a prolong agitation the State Government has agreed to regularize the services of 61000 causal labour including Medical College causal labour, the authorities of Medical College has created a new problem for about 90 casual labourers of GMC Jammu and associated hospitals by maintaining that they does not belong to Medical College but are from Mechanical Division.
He demanded that the genuine case of allowing 90 causal labourers to resume their duties shall be decided without any further delay otherwise they will be left with no option other than intensify the agitation.