CB arrests Councilor for cheating

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 1: Crime Branch Jammu has arrested Municipal Councilor of Kishtwar, Sajjad Ahmad Najar, who is a notorious fraudster and history -sheeter, for cheating innocent youth by luring them for bank job.
SSP Crime Branch Jammu Shailendra Singh said the accused Sajjad Ahmad Najar, son of Abdul Gafar, residing near Jamia Masjid Kishtwar, along-with retired veterinary Dr Rehmatullah Khora, lured a youth of the area Rattan Lal for a bank job for Rs 6.20 lakhs. When the case was reported in Crime Branch Jammu, FIR Number 14/2019 U/S 420, 120-B RPC was lodged after conducting verification and subsequently thorough investigation was initiated.
After the offences were proved, with the meticulous planning and coordinated efforts, 46- year old accused Sajjad Najar was arrested by Crime Branch Jammu. He is history sheeter of Police Station Kishtwar since May 2019 with background of nine FIRs lodged against him for committing crimes of Murder, Arms Act, Impersonation, Fraud, etc.
The name of Sajjad Najar has also surfaced in instigation of law and order problems in the area in near past. Presently he is also representing ward number-6 in Municipal Council of Kishtwar. Sajjad Najar has also changed political loyalties as and when sensed personal vested interests.
Dr Rehmatullah Khora, 72 years old retired from Animal Husbandry Department is accomplice in the case.
Both the accused were avoiding arrest. Taking advantage of the unrest in Kashmir valley, source said that Dr Rehmatullah has escaped across the Pir Panchal Range and is believed to be hiding somewhere in south Kashmir valley.