NEW DELHI: The CBI has arrested three people in connection with the leak of question paper of Staff Selection Commission’s Common Graduate Level examination, officials said.
The arrests came after recent searches at four locations — one in Delhi and three in Ghaziabad, they said.
Akshay Kumar Malik, who allegedly masterminded the leak of examination paper, has been taken into custody along with two others — Sandeep Mathur and Dharmendra, they said.
The CBI had registered an FIR against 17 people, including 10 employees of Sify Technologies Pvt Ltd, in connection with the question paper leak, officials have said.
It is alleged that the paper of the second tier of the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) examination, 2017, which took place on February 21, 2018, and its answer key were allegedly leaked and became viral on social media before the examination began.
The examination papers were set in such a way that an examinee got the questions in a certain sequence, they said. (AGENCIES)