Delhi : The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested an Assistant Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Department, Rajouri (J&K) for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. Twenty Thousand from the complainant.
A case was registered on a complaint against an Assistant Executive Engineer, PHED, Govt. of J&K u/s 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (as amended in 2018). It was alleged that the complainant’s firm was allotted a tender by Flood Control Division, Samba for construction work in river Tarnah, near Gow Shala on the Pathwal Downstream of national highway and the said work was completed. As per the terms of the tender, the then Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) of Flood Control Division, had to supervise & inspect the construction work. It was further alleged that the accused did not sign the Work Register due to which payment was not cleared by Flood Control Division. It was also alleged that the accused demanded bribe of Rs.20,000/- for signing the Work Register.
CBI laid a trap and caught the accused red-handed while demanding & accepting a bribe of Rs. Twenty Thousand from the complainant. Searches were conducted at the residential & official premises of the accused in Jammu & Rajouri.
The arrested accused is being produced today before the Court of Special Judge for CBI Cases, Jammu