CBSE issues guidelines on child safety norms

NEW DELHI: In a fresh set of guidelines to all its affiliated schools for ensuring safety of  children, CBSE has suggested getting security/safety audits done of school premises and personnel  and installing CCTV cameras at all vulnerable points in the school.

Schools have been asked to conduct police verification and psychometric evaluation of all staff employees, including non-teaching staff as well like bus conductors, drivers, peon, and other support staff, close monitoring of access to school buildings by outsiders and visitors and constitute parent-teacher-students committee to address security and safety needs of students while taking regular feedback from parents as well.

The guidelines have been put up on the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) portal on September 12 following the murder of a seven-year-old student in Ryan International School, Gurugram on September 8.

The circular, published on the official website, states that school authorities are solely responsible for the safety and security of children on campus, calling it a fundamental right of the child to “engage and study in an environment where he/she feels safe and is free from any form of physical or emotional abuse or harassment.” The circular also stated that CBSE-affiliated schools will have to comply with the new guidelines within two months from notification. (AGENCIES)