CCI non-religious, non-political organisation: Sharma

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 17: Taking serious note of some reports appearing in the section of Press, the  Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry has made it clear that CCI was a non-religious and non-political organization committed to the welfare of people in general  and the trade and industry in particular.
In a meeting of the Chamber held here today under the chairmanship of its president, Y V Sharma the members expressed concern over the news published in some newspapers  and also the rumours being spread  by some vested interests against the Chamber. Speaking  at the meeting Mr Sharma extended gratitude to the people of Jammu and the Government officials to help them to reach a settlement in the interest of business, industry and the suffers of Kishtwar tragedy.
It is known to all that the Government had first agreed to pay maximum relief up to Rs 2 lakh to the victims of Kishtwar tragedy but the Chamber reacted very sharply to this decision and wanted that Government should pay the compensation as per actual loss. Accordingly the Chamber approached the Government  and sought a commitment that the people will be compensated as per the actual loss suffered.
Mr Sharma further clarified that Chamber does not hold a brief  for any religious or political organization  and always works in the interest of trade, commerce and industry that is why it always believes in peace, communal harmony  and a state of no tension in which trade and industry can flourish throughout the State. Some organizations which have their own ideology cast aspersions on the Chamber for nothing. Some alleged that Chamber was working under some pressure which is totally wrong.  CCI was fully conscious of the loss suffered by people in Kishtwar, the possible reason behind  and has therefore, requested both the State Government  and the Centre  through Union Home Secretary  that the culprits  of the violence should be identified  and suitably punished  and the security scenario in Kishtwar should be strengthened.