CEC Kargil convenes meeting with representatives of religious organizations

CEC Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan chairing a meeting on Thursday.
CEC Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan chairing a meeting on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

KARGIL Apr 23: In order to ensure proper implementation of COVID-19 mitigation measures during the ensuing holy month of Ramadan, Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad convened a meeting with the representatives of religious organizations at Conference Hall Baroo here today.
Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Baseer ul Haq Choudhary and SSP Kargil Dr Vinod Kumar besides the representatives of Anjuman e Jamiatul Ulema Isna Ashriya Islamia School Kargil, Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust Kargil, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at Kargil and Anjuman-e-Sufia Noorbakshiya Kargil attended the meeting.
At the very outset of the meeting, the CEC while expressing gratitude to the religious heads for their exemplary support to the administration in containment of COVID-19 in the district said that it is only due to the coordinated efforts of all stakeholders that Kargil has been declared Corona Virus positive free.
With the onset of the holy month of Ramadan in a couple of days from now during which special prayers and supplications are held, the CEC urged the religious heads to appeal people to restrict religious gatherings during these days and offer the prayers and supplications from their homes only especially during the Shab e Qadr thereby following the social distancing norms to prevent the spread of Corona Virus infection.
Feroz Khan said that opening of the Kargil-Srinagar, Leh-Manali and Zanskar-Manali roads will throw us new challenges in COVID-19 combat measures and need of the hour is to maintain strict vigilance and adherence to the guidelines and SOPs issued from time to time.
The representatives of the religious organizations assured the CEC and DC Kargil to extend all out support in restricting religious gatherings throughout the district during Ramadan. They said that people would be appealed through video messages and other means of communication in this regard.
The representatives of Anjuman e Jamiatul Ulema Isna Ashriya Islamia School Kargil and Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust Kargil said that to facilitate people special prayers, supplications, religious sermons, lectures and other related programmes would be telecast through local cable channels and social media platforms like Whats App, Facebook and You Tube.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Commissioner Kargil said that the results before us have been possible only through timely, coordinated and well planned measures which need to be continued in the coming days as well as we cannot we complacent of the present situation with no active positive cases in the district.
Prevention is the only way out to overcome COVID-19 and it is the moral responsibility of every citizen to follow the advisories and SOPs in letter and spirit, the DC asserted.
Regarding the availability of essential commodities, the religious organization representatives were assured by the CEC and DC Kargil that it would be ensured people do not face any inconvenience due to the shortage of essentials and other required facilities during the holy month.