CEC visits Chushul, takes stock of people’s problems

CEC Leh inaugurating solar power plant in Nyoma Constituency.
CEC Leh inaugurating solar power plant in Nyoma Constituency.

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, July 16: As a part of his 4-day tour to Durbuk and Nyoma Sub Division, Chairman/CEC LAHDC, Leh Gyal P Wangyal visited the villages of Chushul constituency, which included Mukleb, Yurgo, Phobrang, Lukung, Maan and Chushul villages. He also visited the villages of Tsaga, Mudh, Nyoma and Nidar villages of Nyoma constituency.
The people of Chushul constituency demanded permission to allow nomads to graze their livestock at Changchanmo area as it has been one of the main grazing lands for nomads since old times in the Chushul belt. The public representative and villagers of Maan areas demanded for early de-notification to demolish the tourist destination spot of Pangong lake area. They further demanded for immediate re-functioning of disrupted mobile communications in the wake of the Indo-China border dispute. They also demanded installation of mobile towers in the area where network is unavailable and also demanded upgradation of 3G and 4G network in the area where the network is functioning. Area councilor also demanded connection of power supply with Northern Grid.
In response to the demands, CEC Wangyal assured that the paperwork of the issues of Pangong area and grazing at Changchenmo was already submitted to the higher authorities and gave further assurance that all the demands would be fulfilled in due course of time. He also stated that the process of battery-change at the already set up solar power plants were in the tendering process and assured to complete all their demands on priority basis and in phase manner.
At noon, CEC Wangyal visited the villages of Nyoma constituency where he inaugurated the 42.5 KW solar power plants at Tsaga village in presence of Area Councilor Thupstan Wangchuk, Sub Divisional Magistrate Nyoma, Jigmet Rafstan and villagers of Tsaga, which was executed by Ladakh Renewable Energy Dev Agency (LREDA) and funded by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy GoI. Nearly 80 households will benefit after the installation of solar power plants.
CEC was accompanied by Executive Councilor (EC) Agriculture, Phunchok Stanzin, EC Education Konchok Stanzin, BDC chairperson Durbuk, Sub Divisional Magistrate Dubuk Rigzin Spalgon, Assistant Commissioner Dev Leh, Sonam Chosjor, concerned Executive Engineer and block level officers.
At Nyoma, area Councilor Thupstan Wangchuk raised the issues of shortage of doctors in Primary Health Centre, Nyoma and requested the Chairman for immediate posting of a Gynecologist. EC Agriculture, Phuntsog Stanzin stressed on the implementation of Mission Organic Development Initiative scheme (MODI) in the Changthang belt.