Central Agriculture University status for SKUAST-J

Apropos the article “Central Agricultural University status for SKUAST-J” DE of 15th April, the author has rightly justified the demand for the Central University status for SKUAST-J in Jammu & Kashmir State. Speaking during the 4th Convocation of  SKUAST-J and citing statistical data from Government economic Survey Report of 2014-15, N. N. Vohra, Governor of the State and Chancellor of SKUAST-J had expressed concern about the fall in food grain production in the State and exhorted the agricultural scientists to identify the factors leading to slow growth and fall in production and stressed the need of new initiatives to be taken for improving production and productivity in agriculture sector. Much has been said and great concern has been shown by various dignitaries from the State as well as the centre from time to time, but funds have never been provided in this regard. SKUAST-Jammu usually remains under financial crunch and, sometimes, the authorities have to run from pillar to post for releasing grant for the salaries of its employees. It is pertinent to mention here that Jammu province has large geographical area as well as agricultural land, most of which is unirrigated and the farmer has to look upon to the rain god for the success of the crop. Rainfed agriculture accounts for about 70 percent of the gross agriculture feeding about 44 percent of the population. If keenly observed, it means much.
Moreover, the vagaries of climate change and the unprecedented weather makes agriculture sector more a lottery than an investment. Most of the farmers are small and marginal and cannot withstand the frequent obstinate climatic austerity and are, therefore, compelled to leave agriculture as profession. If we really mean to increase agricultural production and feed the ever burgeoning population, we need to tap this 70 percent unirrigated area. But the staggering and stumbling State budget from year to year has not been able to provide due budget to the Agriculture University to concentrate on this aspect. The laboratories of SKUAST-J are not well equipped due to paucity of funds and most of the lab equipments are looking for funds to become functional. The new projects are funded only by Centrally sponsored schemes for conducting research in most demanding areas.
If we really mean to enhance production and productivity in agriculture, make agriculture a lucrative and paying profession and thwart farmers from leaving agriculture as profession, luring the new generation to adopt  this profession and making it more remunerative, we have to concentrate on all these and other aspects of concern. This can be translated into reality if we really mean to take out SKUAST-J from scanty to plenty, which is possible only if the University gets the status of Central Agriculture University, and the free flow of funds will change the dream of this region into reality taking out State out from poverty to prosperity. I am sure the authorities will take cognizance of the viewpoint, besides many more unsaid aspects and shall take the right decision of providing the Central Agricultural University to SKUAST-Jammu for the well being of the region as well as the State.
Yours etc…
Prof. (Dr.) V. S. Verma (Retd.)
Roopnagar Enclave-B, Jammu