Centre to consider State demand to enhance quota under NFSA: Paswan

Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan and Union Minister in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurating BIS office at Bari Brahmana on Tuesday. — Excelsior/Gautam
Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan and Union Minister in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurating BIS office at Bari Brahmana on Tuesday. — Excelsior/Gautam

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, May 31: Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution,  Ram Vilas Paswan today assured the State Government that its request regarding enhancement of food grains quota under NFSA on the pattern of North Eastern States will be taken into consideration.
Addressing a function in connection with inauguration of Branch Office of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) at SIDCO Industrial Complex Bari Brahmana near here today along with Union Minister of State in PMO with Independent Charge of North Eastern States and Youth Affairs and Sports, Dr Jitendra Singh, he said though there is no provision of making any change in the National Food Security Act (NFSA) yet the Centre will take the demand of State Government into consideration by giving the same concessions to it as have been given to North Eastern States.
The Union Minister, however, hastened to say that Centre is purchasing rice for Rs 30 a kg while it supplies the same to consumers at Rs 3 per kg there by losing Rs 27 per kg and likewise it is purchasing wheat at Rs 20 per kg and sells the same at Rs 18 per kg thereby losing Rs 18 per kg. When Union Government is burdening its coffers with such a huge loss and the States which demand more concessions should extend these concessions to them on their own by burdening their own coffers too.
He said the BIS office is 33rd in the country and earlier 32 offices were opened in various States. He said BIS came into existence through legislation in 1986 and this year it was replaced by a new act to make the business ease and maintain the international standards. “Earlier we were at a disadvantageous position and through BIS we have to compete with international standards and we are going to maintain it” he added.
Paswan said the Government is going to make Hall Mark mandatory now and a Bill has already been introduced in Parliament in this regard. The gold smiths have to write down on gold how many carat it is as a Regulatory Authority will be created to check the same, he added
Stressing on strengthening the consumer courts in the country, the Union Minister expressed his dismay over the present condition of consumer courts in the country.
Showering praises on Dr Jitendra Singh, he said “your representative is most trusted Minister of Prime Minister Narendra Modi”. He is the man with same qualities which Prime Minister has and it is a matter of pride for entire State of J&K”, he added.
He said Dr Jitendra Singh is man of principles, a true secular leader who is above caste and regional politics and who is furthering Modi’s agenda.
Paswan termed the opening of the BIS at Jammu another milestone of Modi Government in two years rule and added that India’s image has increased during Modi’s rule while highlighting various public welfare schemes launched by him during last two years of NDA rule.
Addressing the function, Dr Jitendra Singh said that Modi Government is particular for the development of Jammu and Kashmir State and soon after the completion of two years it launched North East to Katra train which will join three pilgrimage centers enroute.
The inauguration of BIS Office in Jammu is second function concerning J&K after that, he added.
Dr Singh said Mr Modi has stressed on two things one is “maximum governance in minimum Government” and “no business to be in business”.
He termed ease of doing business was started soon after the Modi Government took over on May 26 in 2014 and abolition of gazetted officers signature on certificates. This Government showed a great courage which no Government earlier had displayed and abolished interviews for small posts also. This way lot of time and money of Government was saved and moreover a check was maintained on corrupt practices also, he added.
Terming the Start up India and Stand up India a new initiative of Prime Minster, Narendra Modi, he said today’s India is of youth and any initiative taken should be in the interest of youth to take this nation forward.
He said many concessions have been given to the youth under this programme and three years tax holiday is a great step in this regard.
He highlighted various developmental initiatives taken by the Government in the State of J&K and said that five Medical Colleges have been sanctioned out of which foundations stone of three was laid and of remaining two will also be laid soon. He said two AIIMS type medical institutes, construction of various bridges, Biotech Park etc are some major projects worth mentioning.
Dr Singh said from development point of view Modi Government’s stress is employability. “Earlier there were no resources but now we have both resources as well as opportunity”, he added.
Earlier, talking to reporters Dr Singh said that India can’t be cowed down by the threat of Pakistan when a reporter drew his attention towards the statement of Pak nuclear scientist Abdul Qadir in this regard. He said External Affairs and Home Ministries can take cognizance of the same but India does not feel any threat by Mr Qadir’s statement as it is fully equipped to deal with any eventuality.
On the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits, he said Modi Government is committed to their dignified and honourbale return keeping in view their security concerns also. Taking a dig at opponents and detractors of BJP who said that Party did nothing for Jammu and refugees in two years, he asked what they did in last 65 years for Jammu or refugees?
Dr Singh also took a dig at Congress chief , Sonia Gandhi for terming Modi  a Shahanshah (King) saying it amounts to sacrilege of democracy as Mr Modi has two third majority and he has been elected by 130 crore people of this country. “This way she has disgraced democracy as her comments are disregard to people’s mandate, he added.
He also accused Sonia Gandhi on depending on family leverage saying by raking up issues against Modi Government’s two years in office she can’t divert the   public opinion from Robert Wadhera’s issue as people are intelligent enough and they can’t be misled by any one.
He said if they claim innocence let law take its course and let them prove innocence before law.
Addressing the function Minster of CAPD Ch Zulfkar demanded that J&K be given special concession on pattern of North Eastern States as it is a consuming state and not producer of food grains. He demanded quota of food grains under NFSA be enhanced. He said that Centre has continuously reduced K Oil quota for the State and it should be enhanced now.
In his address, Minster of Industries Chander Parkash Ganga said that it is our endeavor to extend every kind of benefit to industry in the State by giving them more facilities.
Parliament Member Jugal Kishore Sharma said that opening of BIS Office in Jammu will boost industry.