Centre coordinating with Assam to provide assistance after quake: Dr Jitendra Singh

NEW DELHI: Union Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region Jitendra Singh on Wednesday called Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal to inquire about the situation in the state after massive earthquake of 6.4 magnitude struck Assam on Wednesday morning, causing widespread damage in the Northeastern state.
Singh said that only some buildings are damaged and the state administration is closely monitoring the situation and centre is also in close touch.
“Spoke to CM #Assam @sarbanandsonwal just now. Parts of the State struck by an earthquake of significant scale. Luckily no loss of life reported so far. Only damage to some buildings. State administration closely monitoring and Centre in close touch. Detailed report awaited,” tweeted Jitendra Singh.
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit Sonitpur, Assam today at 7:51 am.
According to the NCS, the quake occurred at 7:51 am. The epicentre of the quake was 43 km west of Tezpur at a depth of 17 kilometers. (AGENCY)