Centre giving Rs 50 lakh to villages under rural tourism

NEW DELHI, May 10: The Centre is giving Rs 50 lakh to select villages for incentivising rural tourism in the country, the Rajya Sabha was informed today.

Minister for Tourism Subodh Kant Sahay said during Question Hour

that in addition a sum of Rs 20 lakh to improve sanitation facilities was being given as part of Central Finance Assistance for

infrastructure development activities including improvement of roads, landscaping, sewerage management and accommodation for tourists in the villages.

The objective behind the scheme was to “showcase rural life, art, culture and heritage in villages.”

The scheme also enabled rural population to get socio-economic benefits fromtourism development inrural areas.

India already had a Buddhist circle in 11 states. It was working

on Sufi and Jain circuits as also a Hindu pilgrimage circuit, the minister said.

To another Question, Mr Sahay said the number of foreign tourist arrivals in India had risen from 5.78 million in 2010 to 6.29 million in 2011, registering a growth of 8.9 per cent. (UNI)