Centre says India strong enough to face any Chinese incursion

NEW DELHI, July 21:  The Centre has said India is strong  enough a country to face any incursion from China, after reports  emerged of Chinese forces entering Indian territory again.

Media reports say Chinese forces crossed into Indian territory in Kashmir for two days on July 16 and 17, and carried placards which asked Indian forces to leave the ‘occupied territories’.

The incursion lasted two days, following which the Chinese forces returned to their former positions after an eye-to-eye confrontation with the Indian forces.

This is the latest incident of an incursion by Chinese forces into the Indian territory and comes within a month of Defence Minister A K Antony’s visit to Beijing where the issue was taken up in the bilateral talks.

Last Wednesday, the government, in a major boost to the Indian Army’s war fighting capabilities along the Line of Actual Control, gave the go-ahead for the creation of a corps including deployment of 50,000 additional troops along the China border.

In April this year, a platoon of Chinese soldiers had slipped across the border in the middle of the night. The stand-off became a major diplomatic tangle between the two countries. (AGENCIES)