CEO of UST Global wins Good Guys Award

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Sept 3:  Sajan Pillai, CEO of Technopark-based technology solutions and services company, UST Global, has been awarded the ‘Good Guys Award’ 2013 by the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), a Washington-based multicultural, intergenerational, and multi-issue grassroots organization.
Sajan was also appreciated for his efforts as a business leader
to promote equality in the workplace, a press release said today. Key to building a healthy pipeline of high potential leaders and in keeping with its commitment towards workforce development, UST Global has several initiatives that help ensure equal representation and opportunities for women across its centers.
Speaking on the achievement, Sajan Pillai said, ‘Looking  beyond business and resource development, we at UST Global are deeply committed towards building sustainable partnerships with communities, clients and employees. Building from the roots up, we believe that education plays a very crucial role towards empowerment and we have made concentrated efforts over the past couple of years to train and nurture talent within the organization. It is through the encouragement of individual success, that all can share in a sustainable future.’ Sajan was also recently listed among the ‘top 100 CEO Leaders’ by STEMConnector(R) for promoting STEM education among potentially employable youth in different parts of the world. (UNI)