Challenges before Government

Like all new beginings the beginings of new dispensation is being viewed with hope and optimism. We aspire for a dispensation that not only fulfills our individual and community dreams but also drives us to pride. Pride in our avenues and resources and in our capacity to utilise them to the optimum. Agreed, we have challenges to face. Not withstanding these challenges, we need to move on.
The focus of Govts in past has been undimensional with rebuilding the lost ground, a prime concern. No doubt in a state affected by militancy these concerns will always take a priority, but we need to slightly broaden our focus. In pursuit of reclaiming lost ground, we should not lose new constructions. The New Govt is showing some intent in this direction and talking about health industry and tourism, which is a good begining. The Govt should allow each department under it to follow a vision document established in consultation with various stake holders. The follow up to the vision document will establish the function of a progressive State. We as common citizens of the State of J&K aspire for this only.
Yours etc….
S.N Raina, Jammu