Veteran BJP Jammu leader and former Union Minister for State Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta throws back the challenge at his adversaries who, he claims, tried all they could to tarnish his image of over 40 years of dedicated service as a BJP activist. He lamented the disunity and no-direction of Jammu unit BJP and hopes to “teach them a lesson” for ganging up against him. Indications are that he would not be supporting the BJP candidates in the forthcoming ULBs elections but would throw his weight in favour of those who are patently nationalistic and who stand solidly for the rights of the people of Jammu region. In an exclusive interview to the Daily Excelsior Prof. Gupta said his was a strong voice against separatism and secessionism in the State and he was committed to fighting discriminatory treatment to Jammu and Ladakh regions. He discounted the issue of cross voting by saying that it was tactically absurd for BJP with 11 votes to name a candidate who needed at least 20 votes to win. Prof. Gupta was upbeat about the results of the recent election to JCC.