Change working styling to understand changing face of politics: Modi to BJP MPs

Durban: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a gathering during the Civic Reception jointly by High Commissioner and the Mayor of Durban in Durban, South Africa on Saturday. PTI Photo by Kamal Singh(PTI7_9_2016_000255B)

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today told a group of BJP parliamentarians that they have to change their style of functioning to understand the changing face of Indian politics.

Modi met the BJP MPs from eight states at his residence and explained them the benefits of various Government schemes such as Mudra, crop insurance and soil health card.

The prime minister also told the MPs that they have to change their working style to understand the changing face of Indian politics, an official statement quoted Modi as saying.

The MPs from Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Manipur, Telangana and Tamil Nadu were present in the meeting.

The recent attacks on BJP and RSS workers in the southern states were raised by the MPs at the meeting. (AGENCIES)