Changing condition of villages

It is said that India lives in the villages and the fact is that Indian villages have witnessed a lot of change since independence. There is a good road network providing good connectivity to the villages, which has assumed momentum since the launch of ambitious road projects such as MNREGA, Prime Minister’s Grameen Sadak Yojna etc.Then, there has been great extension of medical facilities in rural areas and dispensaries, medical subcentres, primary health centres etc have been opened in many villages with facilities of tests, operations, ECG such centres.There has been a network of facilities and personnel such as Asha workers to cater to the needs of pregnant and lactating women.Educational facilities too have been provided in villages.Many new schools have been opened and existing schools have been upgraded.There has been great awareness about sanitation after the implementation of programmes such as Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. In the field of Agriculture too, farmers have adopted modern methods to reap more harvest of crops per hectare.With the use of insecticides, pesticides and adoption of modern agricultural practices such as rotation of crops, multiple cropping,mechanisation, use of hybrid seeds ,there has been exponential rise in crop production.With the introduction of Kissan Cards, insurance schemes, subsidy, Kissan Nidhi Yojna etc, the plight of farmers has changed a lot.Similarly, there has been change in livestock rearing as a result of various schemes and opening of Vet Hospitals and centres.Educational facilitities in villages have had its impact in eradication of superstitions and there has been significant change in lifestyle etc of farmers but there has not been as much development as was required.More villages need to be connected by roads and camps need to be organinised in villages to aware the farmers about new trends in agriculture, horticulture, floriculture and other such fields.Adequate staff needs to be posted in various offices in villages .Water supply schemes need to be upgraded in many villages to provide them access to clean drinking water and thus, prevent water borne diseases.Water bodies such as ponds, bowlies etc many of which have historical importance and tell a lot about the times of the days of yore,continue to be in a state of neglect.There is need to undertake the repair and renovation of the water bodies such as ponds, bowlies etc.and restore their pristine glory.
Ashok Sharma,
Housing Colony, Udhampur