Changolgah people demand foot bridge

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, Sept 6: The villagers from Changolgah in Tehsil Darhal in Rajouri district are facing hardships due to absence of a bridge over a river Darhal Tawi. These villagers are demanding a foot bridge over Darhali Tawi.
A hilly mountainous area, Changolgah is the only hamlet in Darhal that remains cut off from the rest of Darhal Tehsil during rains as the area lacks an all-weather connectivity. Considered as the most backward area of Tehsil Darhal, the area is facing various other problems including access to drinking water and health care facilities.
The people of village Changolgah are waiting since decades for at least one and half kilometers road along with bridge. Dispite many assurances by various politicians and Government officials, this demand not fulfilled till date. This village consists of a population of nearly 4000 souls including Hill Tak, Topa Thanamung and Dodaj. Local villagers have demanded sanctioning of the road along with a bridge. The students are facing much problems. A long log of wood is being used as make shift bridge by the locals. It poses great risk to the lives of people, specially children and elderly villagers.
“Every year, people construct a temporary bridge over the stream but during the rainy season the gushing waters wash away the bridge, leaving people with no option to cross the stream. During rains, the area remains cut off from the rest of the Tehsil. Several people over the years have lost their lives due to lack of a connecting link, as they could not get the timely medical attention,” a villager said.