Charak cautions people against opportunists

Excelsior Correspondent
BISHNAH, Dec 9: Former Minister and Congress candidate from Bishnah constituency Gulchain Singh Charak has cautioned the people against the opportunist politicians, playing divisive politics and exploiting religious sentiments of the people for vote bank.
Addressing public meetings at Chagla and other villages of Bishnah constituency today, Mr Charak warned the people of the area not to fall prey to the divisive politics of certain parties. Quoting the recent incidents particularly violent clashes in village Chagla in which party workers of certain political parties indulged in clashes leading to serious injuries to people, he cautioned the masses to be aware of agenda of such parties who make the peace loving people fight each other.
Intensifying the election campaign, Mr Charak held corner meetings at several places of the constituency. During meetings he emphasized upon the people that Congress is the genuine, secular and sincere party which has interest of the people in mind and by contesting elections he intends to raise the voice of people effectively in the State Assembly. Mr Charak added that the agenda for the Bishnah constituency has been formulated by him in line with the wishes and aspirations of the common people and this corresponds with the manifesto of Congress party on developmental plank and objectives of the party. He said that growing unemployment has compounded problems and this is also reason of desperation among the youths. He pledged to explore avenues for adjustment of youths in public/private sector. A large number of prominent villagers and leaders of Congress party participated and also spoke during these meetings and urged people to vote for Mr Charak for successful implementation of the policies and programmes formulated in the Congress party manifesto and the agenda of Mr Charak for the progress and prosperity of the Bishnah constituency.