Charak conducts tour of Bishnah constituency

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 15: Former Minister, former Member CWC-AICC and senior Congress leader Gulchain Singh Charak alongwith office bearers and other prominent leaders of Block Congress Committee (BCC), Bishnah listened to the problems being faced by the residents of Sohagpur Colony.
Charak assured that the matter will immediately be taken up with the concerned authority to take corrective measures. The meeting was organized by Tara Chand and Darshan Lal, retd Head Master in the Sohagpur Colony, which is faced with threat of outbreak of epidemic.
After attending a series of public meetings at Sohagpur and Kirchpur organized by Jyoti Basu on reaching Pandorian, Charak was received by the people of the area and was taken to the venue of the meeting in the form of a procession. The meeting was organized by Bua Ditta, Janak Singh, Dwaraka Nath and Swaran Singh Chib.
While speaking Charak said that the whole of the Bishnah constituency has suffered a lot for the last so many years due to lack of developmental works and due to the recent heavy down pour in whole of the State in general and Bishnah constituency in particular.
He added that all the link roads, lanes, culverts etc. have been badly damaged which have exposed the inferior quality of the developmental works carried out earlier. He said a massive reconstruction programme in whole of the constituency has become imperative so as to bring the life of the people back to normal.
He urged upon the administration especially the revenue authorities to work in tandem with the grass root institutions like Chowkidars, Numberdars, Panch and Sarpanches so that the assessment for the compensation is done at the earliest. He also asked the party workers to reach out the needy for providing all necessary assistance.
Among others present were Gambhir Dev Singh, Capt Harshvardhan Sharma, President BCC, Waryam Chand, senior Vice President, Mandan Bhagat, general secretary, Master Balwant Saini, President Arnia Town Committee and Mehar Singh.