Charge sheet filed against 9 accused in attack on CRPF

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 29: Police today submitted charge sheet against nine accused involved in a militant attack on Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Srinagar last year.
The FIR pertained to the terror incident dated 24.07.2018.
Militants last year in July had fired on CRPF personnel deployed at Fire Service crossing in which one CRPF personal Shanker Lal Brala of A/23 Bn was killed and another injured.
Police had filed a case (FIR No 93/2018) in Police Station Shaheedganj and started investigations.
After conclusion of the investigation, chargesheet was filed before the Court under relevant sections of law by Srinagar Police after obtaining necessary Government sanction for prosecution.
The chargesheet has been filed against nine accused including Mohammed Shafeeq Bhat of Diyarwani Batamaloo, Waseem Khan of Diyarwani Batamaloo, Bilal Ahmad Bhat of Kund Qazigund, Shazia Yaqoob alias Pari of Kamad Anantnag and Tehseen Ahmed Batloo alias Junaid of Zainder Mohalla Habakadal for their role in hatching criminal conspiracy for the act, harbouring militants and lending them support.