Chaupal to Akhaada

Avanti Sopory
Social Media looks to be an oxymoron; it has elements which do not look to  be in confirmation with each other. However astonishing; they together reflect a meaning. A meaning that    very easily eclipses the contradiction. “Social” broadly means something relating to society or an organization. Whereas “Media” is a mean of        communication; varying from TV, radio,    newspaper, etc. Now these two words have every right to say that “don’t try  to relate us, we are not even distant cousins”, but in partnership the term “Social Media” is the buzzword.
Social media has become a subject to study, research, discuss, it has got further classified into different sub-topics which call for separate attention. If, we could draw over memories to a couple of decades ago, a similar concept existed. It was minuscule, irrespective it existed.  Have we forgotten the letters, postcards, inlands, telegrams and the most latest telephones which were later superseded by pagers?  Albeit, the buzzing of those pagers was so annoying. Didn’t people communicate, fight, discuss and argue in those years when Doordarshan and AIR were the only means of news? Weren’t those trunk calls from a family, relative or even a friend; received by a neighbor as interactive as today? Letters had a long life cycle, starting from dispatched, to in transit and finally delivered. But how bad where they when elaborate point of view had to be shared with someone who was not physically close?
Then what failed the social media of yesteryears? What killed the snail mails? –  Nothing, but the speed of the internet facilitated instant replies and updates.  News, emotions, letters, mails, opinions, pictures, gets transferred within the blinking of the eyes. And the receiver can respond, like, comment in the same minute. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogging, MySpace, Instagram, Whatsapp are only some of the new age conversation mediums. Alas! The poor daakiyawala had to give in to Mr Zukerberg and the many Young Turks from his tribe.
Unlike the humble daakiyawala, who did not allow the letter to reach to the wrong hands, these flamboyant Young Turks find the contrary to be trendy. For them, displaying everything up in the open is about flexing attitude. Showing off the vacation destinations, or a new car, a new dress or even the child’s first day at school; is only about telling the world “how king size you live”.  This display is validated by the number of “likes , “comments” and “shares”  done by the friends from the friend list. Not just the youngsters or the mid-aged even the senior citizens are hooked to the various modern day tools of communication. An old sepia picture shared by an Indian baby boomer gets instant likes and comments as well. It turns the string of conversation nostalgic and emotional. The peers and colleagues rekindle their decades old camaraderie in the virtual space. Shouldn’t we find ourselves to be fortunate to be living in such times? Was it imaginable for our parents to think of such a social networking tool fifty years back?
eBay, founder Pierre Omidyar writes and quoted here, “We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people”.  Even celebrities, industrialist, politicians connect with their fans, customers and citizens on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and the likes of it. They stay connected and post their comments and pictures for general consumption. Recently we read a deluge of Rio Olympics comments on Twitterati. Good or bad it’s all there; on record.  Even the US Precedential candidate is trolled; if his comments on public wall are in bad taste or unsentimental. Actor, Amitabh Bachan has been an active social media user and an online blogger. With 22 million followers, he is the most followed on Twitter. He had recently commented on the power of social media; quoted here, “…..Social media gives everybody a voice, everybody an opportunity, everybody a democratic opportunity to express themselves. What’s wrong with that?” That’s the power of social media and the well-worded 140 letter characters.
Social media has made the word look smaller and closer.  The time-zones between various continents do not matter any longer. The conduit of communication between people across the world is kicking and alive; 24/7. Instant gratifications and celebration; galloping across continents is a wonder from the technology. Because social media is not just a term, it is a new word reality. Professional websites like LinkedIn are an excellent platform for job seekers. They look for references, guidance and recommendations from seniors, peers and friends from cross-over industries. People share pictures on Instagram and can encourage the photographer in them.
Life is good. Everyone is at the virtual chaupal, talking and sharing not just their personal and professional achievements but also their personal idealism, political statements or simply endorsing a social thought or wanting to give an opinion on the current socio-political unrest; and just then, goes the equilibrium. Scene changes from a virtual chaupal to a virtual akhaada.  Lest anyone writes or endorses any picture or statement, which may not be to someone’s like or appreciation; that fellow is chased to the graveyard.  Dare any one say a thing which is disliked by a section or a person! Verbal bullying, abusive language and threatening comments are some of the things to start with. If the episode gets really nasty, it can get fatal too! In recent past when a girl was stalked on a social media website and later killed for not giving in to the accuser’s demand. Mudslinging, name taking, accusing and losing tempers in public only reflect how we are a nation full of angry, nasty and unaccommodating people. Washing dirty linen in public is trending…I guess!
In this cascade of public debating and discussing, some participants of virtual talking are far too stubborn to accept a different point of view. They are too rigid and inflexible in their approach and ideas. So therefore what they think or do is the correct way. Edging towards narcissism.
Social media identifies another class of people – citizens who think that they have a fundamental right to freedom of expression ( regardless of what they post),  put posts, mobilize youngsters to glorify a man who desires to disregard the nation? Through numerous fake social media accounts their class aims to make a Hero out of a traitor!! Their virtual importance swells and the curiosity quotient of average people rise up and they keep trending in the social media space. Should this sort of social media popularity be accepted at the cost of disrobing the nation? What explains venerating a terrorist brandishing a weapon of death? These posts radicalize the general public and through these they present themselves as the new breed of intelligencer. This breed may not even know the complete issue but still likes to have their dim-informed say in matters. They bask in the glory of their fake Cyber Celebrity status. No wonder ISIS in India and abroad has been able to canvass so many educated youngsters into their cause. Reason enough for the cabinet minister to comment on and create various cyber crime prevention organizations in India.140 letter characters…can threaten the sovereign fabric of India.
Another confusing aspect of social media is the message people share. More often than not, the messages written and shared are misinterpreted and mis read. Interpreted as convenient and suitable to reader; so there goes the art of patient comprehension. Even a fifth standard student is asked to annotate the passage he reads. Sadly grown-ups think they had enough of English language skills. This draws me to an article, which delves into the faltering art of careful reading. It suggests going back to the basics of English reading.
Since people share a lot of their personal information and whereabouts, it is a perfect breeding place for crimes and misdemeanors. Anyone can be easily spied and shadowed if the person imprudently shares his personal information. Cyber security can do the policing but personal vigilance is important. Not everything shared in the cyber space is real and true. There are many fake accounts and events shared. Irrespective of who says what – safeguarding the sovereignty of India is important. India should be trending.