Check population

The write up `population explosion` by  Shiban Khaibri is very informative and  thought provoking. It is a critical analysis of an alarming problem facing the country that has not been dealt with the alacrity it deserves. Though the author has given relevant facts and figures along with the causes and remedies the issue is of such a grievous nature that it demands repeated deliberations at different level of our social strata. Very rightly the author points out “governments at centre and states in India appear to have no time to look into and address the devouring problem with all seriousness it required”.
The harrowing aspect is that this problem has not been considered at par with the problems of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, health care facilities, housing and so on, despite the fact that problems of increasing population is the mother of all problems. Are we capable of creating resources that match population increase which is going on in geometrical ratio? Never in the history of India, have serious attempts been made to check population growth except in late Sanjay Gandhi era. There might have been blunders on the part of overzealous agencies in implementing birth control programme but the intentions for the cause deserved all appreciation. Instead of devising corrective measures for the prudently conceived ideas, everybody started criticizing the programme itself. The successive governments took a u- turn & never ever showed the eagerness and enthusiasm this worrisome issue demanded. The result is before us. From 36 crores in 1950 to 1.21 billion in 2011and surpassing China by 2030. Big slogans of reducing poverty become hollow and meaningless if we are not serious in our policy planning to check this uncontrolled, unmanageable and unwanted growth of population. Vote politics is hampering govt. in formulating much needed stringent measures and this is one of the biggest flaws of parliamentary democracy also. But if we fail to recognize this problem as a national problem as has been done by China which is far bigger in size and resources than us then the consequences are going be disastrous for us. In such a situation it is imperative for the intelligentsia and  civil society to rise to the occasion to raise its voice to jolt the govt. to bring it out of the sleepiness that has overwhelmed it. Otherwise it may be too late to halt this explosion.
Harjinder Singh
( D.F.O. Retd)
Nanak Nagar