Checking pollution

This has reference to the news item’Schools shut due to smog'(DE,Nov7, 2016).It is shocking  that the national capital has witnessed the worst smog in the 17 years and that in view of heavy smog and pollution,schools in the capital city have been closed till 9th November.Moreover, ban has been imposed on construction and demolition activities for next five days and Badarpur Thermal Power Plant has been  shut for next ten days.All these measures have been taken to bring down the pollution level in the city.The  pollution level has worsened to such alarming level that people have been asked to stay indoors and the government is considering the option of artificial rain through cloud seeding.Delhi is counted among the most polluted cities in the world and despite  the government’s efforts to bring down pollution in the city, the pollution has set a new record. The quality of air is being polluted due to the emission of smoke from vehicles such as buses, trucks, cars etc.
It has also been reported that the burning of crops straw by the farmers in the neighbouring states such as Punjab and Haryana has also contributed to the rise in pollution level in the national capital.The bursting of crackers in and around the national capital on the eve of Deepawali has also raised the pollution level in the NCR to alarming proportions.The National Green Tribunal has taken a serious view of the surging pollution level and asked the Delhi Government to take adequate steps such as deregistering of old disesel vehicles to check pollution to ensure that people breathe pure air.Jammu too experienced high pollution level on the eve of Diwali.
The Government also need to take  precautionary measures to check pollution in Jammu and other cities so that we donot reach such an alarming  level.There is need to make people aware of the ill effects of pollution and motivate them to check pollution.The government should also study various causes of pollution such as crop burning, plastic burning, garbage burning, emission from vehicles etc and take appropriate measures to check pollution so that people are able to breathe pure air and donot fall prey to respiratory and other ailments.
Yours etc….
Ankita Sharma


Environmental pollution is the biggest challenge the earth is facing this century. Advancement in technology, population explosion and absence of moral values have added fuel to fire.
Unfortunately, some of our festivals are also responsible for growing pollution. Marriages, political rallies are also proving to be elements of pollution. Millions and trillions of dollars are  spent on bursting of crackers. High velocity sound crackers create terrible sounds other than smoke.
Noise and sound  pollution have made our lives miserable and  insecure. Thank God, it is a matter of great satisfaction that in Jammu to some extent this year parents and their kids showed wisdom and maturity in saying no to crackers.
This year during Diwali it was at least 60 percent decline in buying and bursting of crackers in Jammu.
Due to the sincere efforts of print, electronic and social media, parents, youth and kids have now understood the ill effects of crackers especially Chinese made crackers.
Let us hope to celebrate future Diwalis pollution free for the safety and purity of our environment.
Yours etc…
Avtar Krishan
Lale-Da- Bagh