Chemists, druggists struggling to renew licenses in absence of Pharmacy Council

New body under Central law yet to be constituted

Govind Sharma
JAMMU, Jan 3: Hundreds of chemists and druggists in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir have been struggling to renew their licenses as Pharmacy Council has ceased to exist from October 31, 2019 when Jammu and Kashmir Pharmacy Act was repealed as per the provisions of the Reorganization Act, 2019.
Official sources said that J&K Pharmacy Council, which was established as per the provisions of Pharmacy Act to grant registration and renewals to eligible pharmacists with requisite qualification, doesn’t exist since October 31 and new body as per the provisions of Pharmacy Act passed by the Parliament in the year 1948 has yet not been established in the UT of J&K.
They said that in the absence of any Pharmacy Council or alternate body, chemists and druggists (both retailers and wholesalers) of Jammu and Kashmir whose licenses have expired since October 31, are running from pillar to post to get their licenses renewed but they are being told by the authorities to wait till constitution of new Pharmacy Council as per the Central Act.
Sources revealed that there are more than 25000 chemists and druggists in J&K and licenses of hundreds of them have expired in last two months and many licenses are going to expire soon but none of the licenses could be renewed in the absence of new body. Earlier, Drug Controller of J&K in the capacity of president of J&K Pharmacy Council used to renew the licenses.
“Post October 31, 2019, we don’t know where to renew our licenses as Jammu and Kashmir Pharmacy Council is nowhere,” said a chemist shop owner, whose retail license expired last month, adding “in the absence of renewed licenses threat of closure of our establishment is looming large”.
While ruing the callous attitude of the authorities, another pharmacist said, “Government should immediately take a decision and provide relief to chemists and druggists of the Jammu and Kashmir”, adding “since administration was aware of the fact that J&K Pharmacy Council would cease to exist from October 31, some alternate arrangement should have been made for smooth functioning of hundreds of establishments dealing with pharmaceuticals”.
“Till the establishment of new body for renewal of licenses, the validity of existing licenses should be temporarily given extension of some more months”, said a number of chemist shop owners while talking to EXCELSIOR.
Sources further said that there are thousands of people who are associated with the sale (retail or wholesale) of drugs, but many of them, who had secured licenses on the basis of matriculation/graduation plus work experience, are worried about their future as the Central Law, which is applicable now, prescribes minimum qualification of Diploma in Pharmacy for the grant of drug license.
“In Pharmacy Council of India, there is no provision of registration for matriculates/ graduates as pharmacists. So, the sword is hanging on those chemists and druggists who do not fulfil minimum qualification criteria of Pharmacy Council of India,” they added.
When contacted, Financial Commissioner, Health and Medical Education Department, Atal Dulloo said, “The renewal of licenses will start soon as the file for constitution of new Pharmacy Council as per Central Pharmacy Act is in process”, adding “new licenses will also be issued after the creation of new Pharmacy Council of J&K UT which will take at least one more week”.
When asked about the fate of Matriculate/Graduate chemists and druggists who have secured licenses on the basis of work experience, the Financial Commissioner said till their licenses are not expired they can carry out their business but once their licenses expire, the same will not be renewed as there is no provision for such candidates in Central Pharmacy Act.