China donates vaccine doses to UN peacekeepers

United Nations, Mar 16:China’s UN ambassador says China is donating 300,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to UN peacekeepers, with priority given to those serving in Africa.
Ambassador Zhang Jun sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres informing him of the donation, China’s U.N. Mission said Monday. It follows the announcement by China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi of Beijing’s intention to donate vaccines at a U.N. Security Council meeting on Feb. 17.
The mission said “China attaches great importance to the safety and security of peacekeepers” and the donation “is a further step to make China’s vaccines a global public good, and also a demonstration of China’s firm and continuous support to the U.N. And multilateralism.”
Last month, the U.N. Thanked India for offering 200,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses for U.N. Peacekeepers.
The U.N. Currently has a dozen peacekeeping operations, half in Africa with a total of about 100,000 peacekeepers.
There was no immediate word on what the U.N. Plans to do with the two offers. (AGENCIES)