China’s Bo Xilai goes on trial, culmination of dramatic fall

JINAN, CHINA, Aug 22: Fallen Chinese  politician Bo Xilai appeared in public for the first time in more than a year today
to face trial in  eastern China, the final chapter of the country’s most politically charged case in more than three decades.
Bo, the 64-year old former Communist Party chief of the southwestern metropolis of Chongqing, has been charged with bribery, corruption and abuse of power and will almost certainly be found guilty.
His trial in the city of Jinan marks the culmination of China’s biggest political scandal since the 1976 downfall of the Gang of Four at the end of the Cultural Revolution. It has pitted supporters of his Maoist-themed egalitarian social programmes against the capitalist-leaning economic road taken by the Beijing leadership, exposing divisions within the ruling Communist Party as well as Chinese society.
President Xi Jinping, who is embarking on an ambitious  plan to rebalance the world’s second-biggest economy, will be keen to put the trial behind him with a minimum of fuss to ensure stability and party unity.
Bo’s trial will last for two days and the verdict is  likely to be in early September, state broadcaster CCTV said.
The Jinan Intermediate Court said on its microblog feed  that Bo, five of his family members and 19 journalists attended the hearing. It did not give details, but CCTV said over 100 people attended the trial, filling the courtroom.
A handful of Bo’s supporters protested outside the courthouse to denounce what they said was politically motivated persecution, a second day of protests, prompting police to hustle them away.
One protester held a sign that said: ‘The Chongqing experience is good for the country and the people, common prosperity is what the people want’. Another held up a photo of Mao Zedong.
Police blocked entry to the courthouse and lined roads leading to the courthouse and blocked its two gates. Dozens of journalists stood in a box that was cordoned off for the media across the street.
Bo was charged with receiving about 21.8 million yuan  ($3.56 million) in bribes from Xu Ming, a plastics-to-property entrepreneur who is a close friend, and Tang Xiaolin, the general manager of Hong Kong-based export company Dalian International Development Ltd, the court said.
He received the bribes through his wife, Gu Kailai, and  his son, Bo Guagua, it said, citing the indictment.
This is the first time that authorities have named the younger Bo in the case against his father. Guagua is now in the United States, preparing for a law degree at Columbia University.
The charge of abuse of power against Bo relates to the murder case involving Gu, the court said.
Bo was a fast-rising star in China’s leadership circles  when his career was stopped short last year by a murder scandal involving Gu was accused, and later convicted, of the November 2011 murder of British businessman Neil Heywood, a business partner and family friend.
Bo’s former police chief in Chongqing, Wang Lijun, has  also been jailed for trying to cover up the case. Bo was furious with Wang when he was told that his wife was a murder suspect, and sacked him despite not having party authority to do so, sources with knowledge of the case have said.
Neither did he report the matter to his bosses in  Beijing, all of which helped lead to the abuse of power charge, they said. (agencies)