Chinese apples in Kashmir

Rohit Kapoor (Adv)
In modern business it is not the crook who is to be feared most, it is the honest man who doesn’t know what he is doing. William Wordsworth.
Chinese Apples in Kashmir. Media reports made me blink. For years together, it was Chinese assault rifles that caused havoc in the Valley as a part of aggression let loose from the neighboring country. And now it is “Economic aggression”. The recent entry of ‘Chinese Apples” through Pakistan into Kashmir stated to be part of ‘Confidence Building Measure” doesn’t look credible.  Why the ‘Chinese Apples’ couldn’t be brought in India through normal route of Export by paying the Government dues? Confidence Building Measure are limited to entry to Pakistani Goods, however, the Chinese or the traders in Pakistan have used this goodwill gesture to deprive the Indian Nation of its legitimate dues in the shape of Export/Import/Custom Duty.
The incident reported in media, whether it was for the first time or it was noticed for the first time, requires investigation and analysis by the Indian Government in the context of growing aggressive attitude of Chinese towards India. Recent intrusion, we hope the Government of India has not forgotten. And we also hope next time it will not be taken by surprise. The U.S. House Foreign affairs Committee chaired by Rep. Ros-Lehtinen ( R-FL) convened a hearing on March 28,2012 to ” assess the military and economic threat posed by Chinas rise. Witnesses and committee members discussed a wide range of issues, from PRC’s growing aggressiveness in its territorial claims, to persistent imbalances in its trade relationship with the U.S. to the risk to U.S. national security from Chinese economic espionage, cyber warfare, and support for other authoritarian regimes around the World. “Why our Parliamentarian/s start to think with seriousness of the same degree on issues of National security?  Raising of 2 G, 3 G, etc. for and against in power political jis dominate the mind time and energy of these Parliamentarians compared to other issues requiring more attention-both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The CBM’s between two Nations are welcome but must not be used an instrument of “economic aggression”. The media reports, if correct, are quiet disturbing. And it divulges in volume of covert attempt   to deprive  Government here of its legitimate dues. In the news item, connivance of officials of State Government has been reported, that makes the entire incident much murkier.
There are other goods also produced in China, but are being pushed into India through Kashmir borders in the guise of “CBM’s.  Chinese goods have already intruded in each household in India. Sheer cheap price of these products are a temptation for the consumer to go for it.  The Indian goods better in quality are getting a hit.  The CBM’s with Pakistan never intended backdoor entry of cheap Chinese products into India.
Kashmiri Apples not only bring “barkat” to families connected with its production and trade.  but also are part and parcel of rich Kashmiri Traditions and culture, a proud and often imitated  “as brand name” by others.  The age-old traditional fruit cultivation has profusely colored the serenity and tranquility of Kashmir’s landscape. Kashmir, the land of fauna, flora and fruits possesses a rich history of fruit cultivation. Years before the time of warrior King ‘Lalita Ditya’ and though the golden periods of benevolent kings like ‘Awantiwaraman’ and Sultan Zain-ul-Abdin ‘Badshah’, Kashmir has remained the symbol of fruits and flowers. And Apple takes the lead.
Confidence Building Measures are sacrosanct for any Nation. If used with positive intent, can ensure peace and if misused, the History must not be forgotten as it repeats, may repeat with disaster and despair. Our Government can’t and must not feign to be an ignorant spectator at the cost of legitimate economic interest of genuine stake holders, the fruit growers of Kashmir, I mean.
A farmer plants the saplings, wait  for it  grow each day, nurture it with all it needs, see it bloom and expect fruits to bring happiness in his life. Let him live in peace. And it is the exclusive  responsibility of State to protect him from all acts aggression including the ‘Economic aggression’. And if he remains a silent victim of such aggression, then ‘this honest man doesn’t know what he is doing.’