Choose dedicated candidate: Shingari

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 18: Congress candidate from Jammu West constituency Surinder Singh Shingari appealed to the people of the constituency to choose service, dedication, performance and availability as compared to dryness, emotionless, absentee and performance less aspirants.
He also appealed to the families to bless him with their vote, where he could not reach so far due to shortage of time during his campaign.
“We may listen to ourself to make a decision to choose a right kind of individual. If we do so, it will pave the way for the persons who wish to be in politics for the service of the people. Parties would be compelled to give tickets to right candidate. But if we don’t do that, this may set a wrong precedence for the right minded persons not to come forward for the service of the people, and the political parties would go their own way to field meritless candidates in the future to come”, he added.
“Flights are booked for the outside leaders and film stars to fly back after their expensive stage shows and no common voter is allowed even to knock at their doors. Therefore, we should come forward not to vote for absentees rather to vote for a candidate who is committed and available as per his previous performance”, Shingari said.
He expressed his surprise that how much huge money is spent on ‘offset printed voter slips’ for each family in each constituency by a political party. “This would have cost crores of rupees per constituency on average which, if spent for constituency, would have improved whole drainage system”, he added.
He appealed the voters to consider his service, dedication, performance and availability in comparison to dryness, ego and non availability.