Chrungoo foresees stability in socio-political scenario of KPs

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 2: Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, BJP state spokesperson on Kashmir Affairs said today that the year 2019 created a new and glorious chapter of Indian Parliamentary democracy in the country. It brought in the well desired and deserved changes in the political landscape and overall scenario in the J&K State impacting the political situation of the country as a whole. He was addressing a get-together meeting of prominent Kashmiri Pandits and intellectuals here, today.
Bimal Tickoo, Development Commissioner Works (retd.) and a prominent KP intellectual chaired the meeting. The get-together was organised in connection with the completion of one year tenure as the BJP State office bearer by Chrungoo. He said that a platform for implementation of party’s agenda has been created by the national leadership of the Government and the BJP. There will be a focussed execution of the agenda relating to Pandits in the national interest that will create a congenial atmosphere for the nationalist forces in the Valley of Kashmir. Year 2020 will bring the desired stability in socio-political & economic scenario for decades to come at a national level too, Chrungoo added.
He said that the opposition parties, extremist elements, Leftist lobbies, fundamentalist tribe and the communal forces have joined together to create an atmosphere of mistrust and anarchy in the country. In the garb of opposition to the CAA on flimsy and make-believe grounds, violence, hatred and canards are being spread to malign the leadership of the nation. Having failed miserably in the general elections and in the voting process in the Parliament, these forces are hell bent upon to disturb peace, tranquility and law & order in the country. The NDA and Government are determined to bring fundamental changes in the country which the people desire and deserve for the last a number of decades.
Speakers expressed happiness about the role played by BJP in context of displaced people of Kashmir and raised a number of issues for redressal.
Vijay Raina, Sarpanch, Chowgam conducted the proceedings of the programme while Virender Kuchroo, Councillor, Baramulla Municipal Council presented the vote of thanks. Those who participated in the programme included Prof. M.K.Raina, Virender Raina, R.K.Bhat, R.L.Pandita, Surinder Dhar, Bihari Kak, M.K.Jalali, Kuldip Sapru, Rohit Tak, Nanaji Raina, Kamal Bagati, R.S.Bali, Ashok Chrungoo, Sanjay Ganjoo, Vikram Singh Chib, Adv. Pulkit Chrungoo, Rajaji Tikoo and K.L.Bhat.