Chrungoo takes up package employees issues with CS

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 1: Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, Senior BJP and KP leader, met Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary, of Jammu & Kashmir, here, today and took up the issues of PM package employees with him. Manoj Dwivedi, Secretary Commissioner, GAD was also present in the meeting. Chrungoo presented a detailed letter to the Chief Secretary in this regard elaborating the concerns.
He said that “In view of some serious current developments in the Kashmir Valley for the last three months in particular, the Hindu and Sikh minorities in Kashmir Valley and especially the PM Package employees have been caught in a very unpalatable situation due to the selective killings”.
They are given a feeling of being political waif and forsaken by certain sections in the administration and the society in Kashmir. Though both have a bounden duty to protect them and create a sense of security in the Valley in addition to the normal security and safety, they are being coerced to toe the dictum of their officers at the cost of their life.
Chrungoo said these employees living in unstable conditions in the Valley and a few of their officers in the Valley were considering their absence from their work places seriously and thus causing enough of distress to them. They are threatened to be sent explanations, suspended and enforced salary cut. As a consequence of continued selective killings in the Valley, the minority community employees were scared and advised by their own colleagues, comrades, landlords and sympathizers to leave for Jammu for some time till normalcy would return.
He demanded that a lenient, compassionate and humanitarian view of the situation be taken and in no case, any pressure should be enforced upon the minority community employees in the Valley.
Chrungoo also demanded a proper and secured accommodation for these employees in the Valley. He said that those who live in private accommodations their landlords have also asked them to look for alternative arrangements for stay. In such a scenario, it is important that the administration provides them the Government quarters which have been evacuated by the Jammu based Secretariat employees in Srinagar. He also demanded waiving of SO 94.