Cipher Decipher

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE  before you  send in your message to us.


1.    To all from Aruditya Jasrotia: “ Standing alone doesn’t mean you are strong enough to handle things all by yourself”.
2.    From Priya Gupta to all: “ A truthful person’s life is like an open book where he does not feel the necessity to hide anything from anyone”.
3.     To all from Sarvagya Gupta: “ Your reputation is made by others. Your character is made by you”.
4.     From Sudhir Kumar Gupta to all: “ It is best we should all think alike; It is difference of opinion which makes horse races ”.
5.     To all from Rishab Raina: “ Success is not a destination, it is a journey and a journey is never complete”.
6.     From Rama Gupta to all: “ Mistake is not the first step of success but the fact is ‘correction of mistake is the first step of success”.
7.     To all from Anil Kumar Nanda: “ Don’t feel afraid of the failure or making mistake. Failure and mistake only help you to grow and beside you can try learn something new”.
8.     From Sharda Gupta to all: “ Nothing is miserable unless you think it so”.
9.     To all from Abhay Singh: “ If you desire to advance in life, make sure your desires won’t advance ”.
10.     From Aagosh Tandon to all: “ Children are the gifts of God. Love them either boy or girl”.
11.     To all from Rishika Raina : “ Some people make the future, most wait for the future to make them”.
12.     From Abhi Jandyal to all: “ No matter how high you climb the ladder, hardwork is necessary for success”.
13.     To all from Neelem Gupta: “ Hard work never brings fatigue. It brings satisfaction”.