Cipher Decipher

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE  before you  send in your message to us.

1.    To all from Aditya Razdan: “ All the lures of the world are nothing in comparision to inner purification of mind”.
2.    From Arshad Ahad to all: “ Religions do not differ fundamentally one from the other; they all point the way upward, Godward”.
3.     To all from Raman Gupta: “ Errors like straws upon the surface flow, he who would search for pearls must live below”.
4.     From Aditya to all: “ Life is a fast finishing candle but inspiring deeds make its light like a sun”.
5.     To all from Tarni Mahajan: “ It is better to bite your tongue than to make a biting remark”.
6.     From Ram Gupta to all: “ Hardwork is like stairs and luck is like a lift, sometimes lift may fail but stairs will always take you to the top without failure”
7.     To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ Thank God for helping us in difficulty. When we do this, defeat is turned into victory”.
8.     From Dr Poonam Nanda to all: “ Experience are learning steps to go ahead in life which teaches you to stand on a new base by dragging sand from beneath your feet. So learn from past”.
9.     To all from Anil Kumar Nanda: “ Never get upset whenever you are discouraged. Remember many of the great achievements of world were accomplished by discouraged man who kept on working”.
10.     From Neeraj Gupta to all: “ Ignorance is the primary source of all misery and vice”.
11.     To all from Gourav Gupta: “ Everyone thinks of changing humanity and anybody thinks of changing itself”.
12.     From R K Raina to all: “ Efforts may fail but do not fail to make efforts ”.
13.     To all from Kiran Kanchan: “ Love of nature fused with the love of man, impart life a soul, a sense of satisfaction”