Cipher Decipher

   SUNDAY, June 23, 2013

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE  before you  send in your message to us.

1.    To all from Radhika Mehra: ” Women are books, the arts, the academies, that show contain and nourish the entire world”.
2.    From Sanjay Dhar to all: ” For God is the one worker and His works are the works of mercy”.
3.     To all from Mrs Sharda Gupta: ” Life is not anything but an opportunity for something”.
4.     From Kiran Kanchan to all: ” When men speak of the future, the God laugh”.
5.     To all from Abhishek Jandial: ” An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to get fail”.
6.     From Abhi Gupta to all: “Aspire to inspire before expire” .
7.     To all from Vivek Jasrotia: ” Good at heart and good at words, characterize a noble person”.
8.     From M.S. Negi to all: ” Never just think about yourself,  always be kind, otherwise, one day others and God will stop thinking about you”.
9.     To all from Madassar Nawaz Sheikh: “Be short specific and upto the point, which saves time and energy”.
10.     From Rishab Raina to all: ” To keep your secret is wisdom; To expect others to keep a folly”.
11.     To all from Anil Kumar Nanda: ” Luck is nothing but the meeting point of alertness of mind and opportunity passing by”.
12.     From Raman Gupta to all: ” Patience doesn’t mean how long can you sit idle but it means how long can you wait for success “.
13.     To all from Abhishek Jandial: ” Average minds discuss events small minds discuss people”

The award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to Dr POONAM NANDA C/o 56-A (PVT) JAMMU-180004 for the message ” One who loses patience cannot taste the success; as if to carry water in a sieve one has to wait till freezing of water”.
Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order