Inner Voice


Wondering what’s an afterlife
Mind in stupefaction for life
Can’t say would be living in
Is really there in
People, plants, animals, things
All changing with moving pins
They say God made us
They say God will destroy us
I really don’t know what he wants
Answer for everything all I want
Wondering what’s an afterlife
Mind in stupefaction for life
Flalt! What would be an afterlife
A void or a soul’s thrive
If there’s a soul
What’s its goal
Mind unstable
Heart unceasable
Really afterlife
You are quest of my life….

Ashish Bhau
Govt. SRML Ranbir Hr. Sec. School


I can be rain
Fall on the cage
And talk with
The bird inside.
I can be rain
Fall on the tree
And talk with
The germ inside.
I can be rain
Fall on the window
And talk with
The baby on the cot.
And sing a lullaby
Pitter – patter ………..

Sujit De


The wind is blowing,
Outside it’s snowing,
Down the rain drops are bowing,
And I see them!!
Cap on my head,
Gloves on my hands,
Muffeler on my gland,
And I am wearing them!!
I see the hidden moon,
Christmas is coming soon,
After winter there’s bloom,
And I will enjoy them !!

Brida Saini,


Warm welcome with open
arms and glowing face…
Make me forget all the pain and pace…
The happiness on his face could be seen..
Talking to me he was always
eager and keen….
The feeling of his love affection
and caring..
Could not be explained on the
pages for sharing….
He left me but his values
and memories never left….
Still guiding me to the right path.
He may not be here with me
But I know his shadow
Still holding my hand
and protecting me.
The special memories of him
Will always bring a smile..
I wish I could meet my
grandfather just for a while…

Vasundhra Goja
Roop Nagar