Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.
1. To all from Kuldeep Nair: “ A square have four ends a triangle has three ends, a like has two ends put a good relation has no ends”.
2. From Sweety Raina to all: “Falling down is not defeat. Defeat is when you refuse to get up”.
3. To all from Devinder Sharma : “ Sorrow and silence are strong and patient endurance is God like”.
4. From Sharashtra Sharma to all: “ The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes”.
5. To all from Rahul Negi: “ The people are like water and the army is like fish”.
6. From Silvi Talwar to all: “ Imagination is more important than knowledge ”.
7. To all from Rakesh Kumar: “Intelligence forbids tears”.
8. From Rajinder Kotwal to all: “ The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven ”.
9. To all from Suchin Koul: “ A good mind is a lord of a kingdom”.
10. From Mega Gupta to all: “ Lands mortgaged may return, but honesty once pawned is never redeemed ”.
11. To all from Surinder Mehra: “ The world needs dream and the world needs doers. But above all the world needs dreamers who do”.
12. From Harvinder Singh to all: “ All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. So learn to live with harmony”.
13. To all from Suman Bhagat: “ Memory is the mother of all wisdom. ”.
The award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to GOURAV SABHARWAL, R/o H.NO: 202/A RESHAM GHAR JAMMU-180001 for the message “ Successful students always have two signs on their lips- smile and silence”.
Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order.
The Contestants are requested to send their mobile numbers,
as the winner will be intimated through SMS