Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.
1. To all from Devinder Singh: ” Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind “.
2. From Yogita Gupta to all: ” Every morning you spend fifteen minutes filling your mind full of God; and so there is no room left for worry thoughts”.
3. To all from Sahil Bhat: ” Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently”.
4. From Pyush Raina to all: ” Follow your heart but take your brain with you”.
5. To all from Harvinder Singh: ” Clouds can abstract the shining of the sun but cannot stop its shining”.
6. From Abhi Khullar to all: ” Sometimes you stand alone to prove that you can still stand”.
7. To all from Surash Verma: ” Children and fools speak true”.
8. From Shakshi Kumari to all: ” No legacy is so rich as honesty”.
9. To all from Pooja Dogra: ” Humility is the key to quick success”.
10. From Satvinder Dev Singh to all: ” Everything is funny as long as it happens to somebody else”.
11. To all from Raman Sharma: ” You can lead a horse to the water but you can’t make him drink”.
12. From Dinesh Sharma to all: ” The best sauce for food is hunger”.
13. To all from Jitender Kumar: ” No man is a hypocrite in his pleasures”.
The award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to SANJAY DHAR R/o LANE NO 1, H.NO: 3, UPPER LAXMI NAGAR, JAMMU-180005, CONTACT NO: 9419188632 for the message ” Serious people have ideas, people with ideas are never serious”.
Congrats. The prize money would be sent online/Paytm.
The Contestants are requested to send their mobile numbers,
as the winner will be intimated through SMS
e-mail: cipher-decipher@dailyexcelsior.com