Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.
1. From Munit Sharma to all: ” Your thoughts should be like your clothes because you know which type of clothes suits you, in the same way you should know which type of thoughts suits you”.
2. To all from Rakesh Malhotra:” Don’t worry if you fall while walking, it would teach you still better to walk”.
3. From Simarjot Kour to all: “Every situation has a bright side; you just need to know where to aim the torch”.
4. To all from Meenu Gupta : “Work hard in silence, let success be your noise”.
5. From Anmol Sharma to all: “Ever tried ever failed, no matter try again, fail again fail better. The world is yours”.
6. To all from Vicky Pandita: ” The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences. Therefore, there is no greater joy than having an endlessly changing horizon, where each day brings a new and different sun”.
7. From Rajesh Kumar Chopra to all: “Don’t watch clock rather do what it does that is consistently doing Karma assigned to you by the Almighty “.
8. To all from Abhinav Sharma: “Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time it comes from peace of mind, peace in heart, peace in the soul. lt comes from laugher & love”.
9. From Mavi to all: “We cannot change the fruit, until we change the root”.
10. To all from Anima Sharma: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”.
The award of rupees 300 for this week’s best message has gone to MILAN MAHAJAN, R/O H/NO: 323, SECTOR-3, CHANNI HIMMAT, JAMMU for the message “Be so happy when other people see you they also become happy rather than thought of jealousy”.
e-mail: cipher-decipher@dailyexcelsior.com