Cipher Decipher

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE  before you  send in your message to us.

1.    To all from Hritik  Badyal: “ A beautiful way of living a life is just to be happy in other’s happiness”.
2.    From  Mahima Kaul to all: “ One should prefer to do right and get no thanks, rather than to do wrong and get no punishment”.
3.     To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ The universe is god-filled. First see God with in your self. Then you will be able to see God all round”.
4.     From Komal Mengi to all: “ To take initiative needs more courage than to accomplish the already initiated mission”.
5.     To all from Sachim Abrol: “ Needs can be satisfied but greed cannot”.
6.     From Rama Gupta to all: “ A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone. Even if they do not like you”.
7.     To all from Sohini: “ You always pass failure in the way to success”.
8.     From Pouni to all: “ Never test the depth of river with both feet”.
9.     To all from Rohini: “ By seeing a success in every failure we remain hopeful”.
10.     From R K Raina to all: “ Life is not a long race, it is a combination of many small races to win. Those never quit”.
11.     To all from Usha Raina : “ Faith is that quality that enables us to believe what we know to be untrue”.
12.     From K K Gupta to all: “ Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed if for a change”.
13.     To all from Parul Gupta: “ Be nice to people on your way up because you will need them on your way down”.