CITU stages protest against anti-people policies of BJP

CITU leader MY Tarigami addressing workers’ rally in Srinagar on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Shakeel.
CITU leader MY Tarigami addressing workers’ rally in Srinagar on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Shakeel.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 29: As a part of two days `Bharat Bandh’  call given by Trade Unions, protest demonstration was held under the banner of CITU J&K  at Press Colony Srinagar in support of their demands including urgent measures for containing price-rise, fuel price, unemployment, scrapping of four new labour codes, scraping of Essential Defense Services Act (EDSA), universal social security cover for all workers, minimum wages of not less than Rs 21,000 per month, cancellation of NPS, restoration of old pension and regularization of contract and scheme workers, equal pay for equal work for all.
The protesters expressed their concern over problems being faced by the working class. The two days’ strike is part of the continuous struggle against the anti-worker and anti-people neo-liberal policies of the BJP led government. The present dispensation which is pro-corporate is reversing the hard earned rights of the labour unions and release of education and other assistance to all registered construction workers.
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While addressing the demonstration, senior Trade Union leader and former MLA Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami said the working class should prepare for united struggles against anti-worker anti-people onslaught of the BJP government.
ASHA’s under NHM, Anganwadi workers and Helpers, Mid-Day Meal workers, CPWs, MGNREGA employees, contractuals, construction workers, need based, seasonal, casual labourers, daily wagers are neglected and their long pending demands are not met. Daily wagers/casual labourers are waiting for their regularization. The government seems to be in no mood to take measures to maximize employment opportunities.
BJP led government is trying to erode whatever achievement has been made by the working class. Whatever has been left is being snatched away from them. Harsh measures are being taken against the working class across the country instead of addressing their issues. The administration is hell bent to take repressive measures.
The policies pursued by the government have resulted in job losses and attacks on the livelihood of common people have increased. The Govt is also promoting divisive agenda. Working class should realize that their unity and united struggles can force the government to concede their demands.