Civilizational values

President Pranab Mukherjee has once again highlighted the significance and relevance of the values which Indian civilization has upheld in the course of her millennia old history. The values of tolerance and pluralism have been the hallmark of Indian civilization. He was speaking at a function at Nehru Memorial Museum honouring the veteran Congress leader late Arjun Singh.
He cautioned the nation that communal and divisive forces posed threat to the country and these had to be tamed and fought against with determination. India has been drawing strength from her rich civilization of tolerance and harmonious life. The President said that Parliamentary democracy has enriched our civilizational fund because this form of Government is the best guarantee against intolerance and communal discord. Our constitutional fathers were wise people gifted with foresight and knew that Parliamentary democracy was best suited to our conditions as it was fully compatible with our civilizational parameters. He stressed that the nation has to go by the rule of law. While we must wield no space to anarchy, efficient democratic machinery must have the means and wherewithal to absorb public opinion for formulation of sound policies, he said.
There is great truth in the wise words of the President. This great nation brought about a change in the Government through the power of the ballot. The will of the people is supreme and all political ideologies and parties are bound to submit to this over-riding force. Democracy is a leveler and irons out eccentricities and angularities because it has the present and the future of the nation in mind.