Claptrap of separate PM and seceding

Shiban Khaibri
Omar Abdullah, former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, has “suggested” the well informed and fairly knowledgeable Prime Minister Narendra Modi to “read history” only to underline the importance of the state to be ruled by the Prime Minister and the Sadar-e-Riyasat instead of by the Chief Minister and the Governor respectively and perhaps get convinced that by adopting retrograde and obsolete , equally wasteful measures , the created Kashmir problem would be solved. What perhaps Omar Sahib is advising the PM is to read a particular noting in the unimportant, departed and consumed pages of the proceedings or noting here and there and not the real history of Kashmir, at least right from the early 14th century down to advent of Dogra rule. This is totally unfair as the PM is denied by a democrat like Omar Ji, the right to read the unfortunate but real history of Kashmir. If this writer remembers rightly ,Omar Abdullah is an alumnus of a Christian Missionary School of Srinagar and must have never developed the habit of going through only the selected chapters of history or the distorted history but still that cannot be said with certainty in as much as, he must have loved to read Shakespeare whose famous lines in Romeo and Juliet still reverberate …”What is in a name ? That which we call a rose , by any other word would smell as sweet….”. Add to these lines , the obverse message in context of Kashmir that much rather “enough” water has flown down the Veth or Jehlum all these 70 years which render such uttering to nothing less than pieces of amusement , if not mere tantrums .
It is the quality of leadership, the level of dedication and devotion to people, it is the mindset sans any prejudice for any community or religion, it is being wedded to utmost honesty and probity , yet again living a life of simplicity and behaving like being down to earth that makes a leader. Such type of leader alone can be called a real leader who transforms, changes, metamorphoses and brings in a perceptible change all over, leading to prosperity and progress of the state and the people. You may call him a Chief Minister , Mukhya Mantri or Wazir-e- Aala but it is found shockingly otherwise when perused through the prism of austerity , stability , sincerity and honesty – calling the one as Wazeer-e- Aazam does not change things but is tantamount to hoodwinking and confusing, if not blackmailing the Central Government.
Now a serious peep into the created bluff over non entities like autonomy, greater autonomy, Wazeer-e- Aazam (WeA) and Sadar-e- Riyasat (SeR) etc being created only to mislead and confuse people in Kashmir. The same Kashmir which is for the last over 30 years reeling under extreme radicalisation and terrorism, both sponsored and promoted as also sustained by Pakistan as also carrying the stigma of its original ethnic Kashmiri Pandit community being pushed and chased out to live a life of exile in the same country . If the state heads were called as WeA and SeR respectively till 1965 as per Omar Abdullah , why did the state leadership of three generations of his family which ruled Jammu and Kashmir not get it restored so far and in the event of refusal by the successive Central Governments , relinquished posts of Chief Minister , MoS in Union cabinet and as members of Lok Sabha etc ? Why only is the demand made now which is as conspicuous by its intention as is it to run away from the core issue of taking a tough and unambiguous stand against terrorism and extreme radicalisation .
Who and which Party otherwise brought in this change or amendment in 1965 ? There was neither any BJP nor any Modi factor. The NC is having electoral and other alliances with that Party and why this hypocrisy ? It was Congress led by Nehru Ji who arrested Sheikh Sahib in 1953 and when there are more provocative speeches made by the present leadership, all democrat Modi Ji has arrested none but still he must be always painted as the source of all troubles in Kashmir and that is sheer political chicanery. Why the tallest political leader of the state Late Sheikh Sahib in 1975 while inking a “deal” with Congress government led by Smt. Indira Gandhi, put a permanent seal on any chances of reversal of the nomenclature of the state heads followed by, as the Chief Minister himself, facilitating amendment to Article 368 of the constitution of India which clarifies about no reversal of such positions which has a bearing on the state constitution as well? When Sheikh Sahib himself did it which became the basis of the Indira Sheikh accord, how come can Omar Abdullah, now, afford to go against it, looks ludicrous and amusing but nothing less than creating avoidable confusion.
There are more alarming issues than the non entities like CM or WeA etc in respect of Kashmir which Kashmir centric leadership must address urgently. Kashmir is fast emerging as a hard core Islamic state within a secular , tolerant, democratic and peace loving country which is nothing but fraught with precarious repercussions , the magnitude of which the Kashmir centric leadership whether of NC, PDP or any other groups of similarity and political resemblance, must take a strict note of. Nomenclature of state heads is neither any concern, not even in the least, of Pakistan which thinks Kashmir to be its jugular vein nor of those extremist forces which are ruling the roost in Kashmir. Greater, wider or shorter autonomy equally is no concern or falling nowhere in the list of “solutions” to the created Kashmir problem. The said Kashmir political leadership and their political parties are not fatigued and tired of attacking the Prime Minister, the BJP , the RSS etc day in and day out for absolutely nothing but are not gathering cheeks , never in the least, to assertively and forcefully advise those young Kashmirs who are taking to guns instead of lawful and respectable avocations , to leave the path of violence, terror, hate and fanaticism. That is the urgent need of the hour. Articles 370 , 35 A etc were and are of absolutely temporary nature and sooner than later, are destined to go as they have become stale. That must be borne in mind by the Kashmir centric political leadership.
The threat that, in the event of the scrapping of these redundant and obsolete Articles , there would be no one to carry the Tricolour and then, to – no one to “carry” it on shoulders even , spoken in the tone , tenor and sense of “pall- bearers” and now “we can secede” and relations of Kashmir with “India” would be over and now citing Gaza , Palestine , Israel and prospects of Indian Army being termed as “Occupational Forces” etc as per ex-Chief Minister Mehbooba Ji is , to call a spade a spade, now short of just one thinnest razor edge of saying and letting come out the intrinsic and emotional cry of “Pakistan Zindabad”. It all smacks of the hangover of religious factor which wants Kashmir to maintain a very thin relation with not the “centre” but “India or Hindustan” .
Mehbooba Ji must bear this in mind that there are many more and yet too many in Kashmir to honour, respect and revere the Great Tricolour, Article 370 and 35A scrapping or continuing notwithstanding. If 70 long years are , under a design , proved to be insufficient in respect of cementing and strengthening the bonds between Kashmir and Delhi out of sheer detestable prejudices dictated by religious factor, then it could boomerang menacingly which should be borne in mind by the said leadership which must emerge more logical and responsible. There is better alternative always ready in wings to take the responsibility as ruling Jammu and Kashmir cannot be the monopoly of one or at best, two families.