Clear the knots in the mind

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Satsang means the company of reality, being in touch with the truth. It is not just singing some complicated songs which you don’t understand. Music is one part of it. The second part is understanding the logic. The third part is reposing in deep meditation and being with yourself. So which is the right company? That which makes you feel light, which makes you feel the problem is very trivial as compared to what you thought. That is no satsang which makes you perceive an exaggerated view of the problem. It is where you can drop what people think about you and be authentic. Usually, people who are in celebration don’t go into the depth, while people who experience silence, don’t usually celebrate. However, satsang is when we value both silence and celebration. The purpose of music is to create silence deep within you and the purpose of silence is to create dynamism in life.
Music is ‘Laya Yoga.’ Laya is dissolving. This is the highest form of Samadhi (unity with the Divine). Sound is a form of energy. Your whole body is made up of atoms.
When you sing bhajans, the sound energy vibration gets absorbed into every particle of your body. Just like a microphone absorbs sound and converts it into electricity, the body absorbs the vibrations and converts it into consciousness. If you are sitting and listening to gossip or violent music, then that gets absorbed by your body and does not give a nice feeling. When you hear the Knowledge, or chant with all your heart, that elevates your consciousness.
So, when you sit in satsang your entire body gets soaked in energy and transformation happens. Being with this truth kindles the energy in you and brings up the consciousness because the sound energy very easily penetrates into the mind. The body is made up of five elements – earth, water, air, fire and ether. The nature of ether is sound. And sound unites. Sound reverberates in the entire space of your body. That is how the mind and consciousness gets formed. Our mind and consciousness are very old and ancient; thousands of years old. When you go into different layers of consciousness, there are different languages that are present there. The most ancient layer of our consciousness can understand the most ancient language of the world – Sanskrit.
When we are sitting, thinking or talking then every mind thinks differently, no one thinks alike. But when we sing Sanskrit bhajans, then the mind which is so ancient identifies the impressions of all these old bhajans, our consciousness is being united and somewhere deep inside sharing is happening.
And the bhajans or mantras make deep impressions in the mind where they remain for a long period. It is like a brush. Each bristle joined together can clear all the knots in mind.
That is why even though we don’t know the meaning of some of the words, we simply chant them because just chanting them have a positive effect.
It is not the meaning that is important. Just the sound is good enough. So when we sing, we don’t have to see how much we sing, and where we are singing. Just close your eyes and be one with the music, the sound. You dissolve into the space that is through Bhajan.
We usually think Bhajan is just singing songs. It is not like that. Bhajan means sharing. Divine is love and when you blossom in that love, you share the love. Divine is compassion, and when you are compassionate, you are in Bhajan. When the mind is split into one hundred parts, there is misery. And the same mind, when it all gets together, becomes one unit. Then there is joy.
When you sit in satsang, when you meditate, you bring yourself close to that source of inner music, all joy. And once when consciousness is integrated and united – that state of consciousness is called joy. Nature runs with a rhythm! Our Body runs with a rhythm! When knowledge, meditation and music runs in a rhythm, the life becomes so harmonious. And when our rhythm is harmonious with the nature, life is such a beautiful experience tsso be in.
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