Clerical cadre to go on 3-day strike from Apr 23

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 21:  The Jammu Kashmir Ladakh All Department Clerical Staff Coordination Committee (Jammu province) has decided in its meeting held at Jammu today to  observe  complete strike for 3 days from April 23, 2018.
The protest  demonstration on 23 of April 2018 and `Secretariat  Gherao’ on April 24 and strong protest demonstration on April 25 shall be held against the callous attitude of the State Government towards removal of pay anomalies/ disparity of clerical cadre.
As such all district bodies and  clerical colleagues across the state are requested to paralyse the work of State Government while observing the programme in toto. Further all departmental presidents  of Jammu district with their colleagues in good strength are requested to follow the programme and assemble at Uhdyog Bhagwan Rail Head Jammu on April 23 at 10:30 am including all clerical staff members. The districts presidents including   clerical colleagues are also requested to attend the Secretariat Gherao  programme on April 24. All will  move from  Press Club Jammu to Civil Secretariat.