Close to 40,000 patients registered for kidney transplant, 13,430 for liver transplant up to 2022: Govt

NEW DELHI, Aug 4: Close to 40,000 patients were registered for kidney transplant and 13,430 for liver transplant up to 2022, Lok Sabha was informed on Friday.
The Government said in that year, 11,705 kidney transplants were done, while 3,920 patients underwent liver transplants.
Data regarding the exact number of Indians requiring various organ transplants is not available, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said.
In case of heart transplants, 2,048 patients were listed in the national registry up to 2022 as waiting for transplants but only 243 transplants were done in that year, Mandaviya said. The registry is maintained by the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO).
The Minister said 1,320 patients registered for lung transplant, 181 for pancreas transplant and 57 for intestine transplant. Of them, 144 underwent lung transplant procedure, 26 pancreas transplant procedure and three intestine transplant procedure, he informed the House.
“The data regarding the exact number of Indians requiring organ transplantation is not available,” he said and added that to promote organ donation, the Government has decided to do away with the need for domicile registration in states and union territories.
On January 3, a meeting was held with states and union territories, with the aim to implement the ‘One Nation One Policy’.
It was noted that the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act and rules thereunder provide that a patient requiring a Deceased Donor Organ for Transplant (DDOT) can seek organ transplant from any registered transplant hospital, and his or her request would be registered by the transplant hospital with the national registry for inclusion in the waiting list, Mandaviya said.
He said that a unique identity will be provided by the NOTTO to each of these registered patients.
Mandaviya said the patient would be counted as the patient of the state where the transplant hospital is located.
The patient also has the option to change the transplant hospital to another state after initial registration and the unique identity for determining priority in the waiting list would remain the same, the minister said.
Further, it has been decided that no fee is to be charged for registration of patients for the deceased donor organ transplantation, he added.
Now a person of any age can be registered for receiving deceased donor organ transplantation. The earlier NOTTO policy allowed registration only for patients less than 65 years of age, Mandaviya said.
The health ministry had sent a communique requesting states to come on board according to the notified norms of the new policy.
The minister said according to the feedback received in NOTTO from states and union territories, most of them have now stopped charging fee for registration of patients for receiving donor organs. (PTI)