CM addresses Passing Out Parade at SKPA

CM addresses Passing Out Parade at SKPA
CM addresses Passing Out Parade at SKPA

‘Your challenge is a 10-yr old boy on the street with whom you need to deal with compassion’

UDHAMPUR: Chief Minister, Ms Mehbooba Mufti Friday, said the policing in Jammu & Kashmir involves many challenges as, more than just law and order, the police force has to deal with extraordinary situations in J&K unlike other states of the country.

“I must admit that our police force works in very peculiar and difficult circumstances unlike their counterparts in other states,” the Chief Minister said while addressing the cadets at the Attestation-cum-Passing out Parade of 17 Probationer Dy SPs and 106 Prosecuting Officers at the Sher-e-Kashmir Police Academy (SKPA), here.

Also present on the occasion were Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh, Minister for Industries and Commerce, Chander Parkash, MLA, Udhampur, Pawan Gupta, Director General of Police, K Rajendra Kumar, Director General, Prisons, S K Mishra, Spl DGP Coordination, Dr S P Vaid, CVC, Kuldeep Khuda, and Director SKPA, Rajesh Kumar among the senior officers of the Army, Police and civil Administration.

Felicitating the cadets for successfully passing out from the academy as officers, the Chief Minister said it shall mark a new beginning for them and they need to prove their mettle, be worthy of the uniform that they are clad in. Complimenting the excellence shown by the women cadets during their training period, the Chief Minister said that women in police force are second to none in performing professional duties in an efficient manner and have an important role to play.

Observing that being part of the police force, gives one the best opportunity to serve the nation, Chief Minister said that it is the police that brings a sense of security to the people. She added that the state of Jammu & Kashmir presents itself as a beautiful land of diversity that exhibits a unique sense of oneness and brotherhood, which is also reflected and symbolized in our police force.

Chief Minister said that when the nation was being divided on the basis of religious lines, Jammu & Kashmir provided a unique window rejecting the religious divide and sided with India on the basis of multi-culturalism, secularism and inclusiveness. And unfortunately it was the baggage of 70 years of that division that J&K has been carrying along, resulting in colossal tragedies to the state. “The problems we are facing today were inherited from the partition,” she said.

Putting emphasis on better policing, Chief Minister told the cadets that it is not only policing that they shall need to carry out, but also parenting, especially to the misadvised youth who present a bigger challenge. “Your challenge is the 10 year old boy on the street with whom you need to deal with more compassion and as a younger sibling”, she said. She emphasized that since common people in the state have realized the futility of the gun resulting in waning of militancy over years, “forces averse to peace are now instigating youngsters to violence with stones.”

Ms Mehbooba said that war is no solution to the problem and that Pakistan should initiate dialogue for peace. “Jung kisi masley ka hal nahin hai, ultimately humein dosti kar leni chahiye (War is no solution, ultimately we have to form a friendly relationship). Pakistan should initiate dialogue instead of indulging in cross border firing,” she said. “India and Pakistan need to sit together like civilised nations and talk, and I think there is a need for Pakistan to take the initiative,” she added.

Referring to the recent turmoil in the Kashmir valley and particularly its impact on the education sector, the Chief Minister said that certain people have utilized school going children for their vested interests by keeping them away from schools. Expressing pain and anguish on the recent reports of schools being gutted down, the Chief Minister made a pointed reference to the ones instigating poor children and misguiding them to violence with the aim that any reaction, if, leading to injuries or fatalities would become a feeder to prolong the turmoil, which has over a period of time only brought miseries to the people. She added that students are keen to attend schools but fear intimidation by miscreants.

Urging the police to deal with the situation with self-discipline, the Chief Minister said that the police have a big role to play in maintaining peace and tranquility.

The Chief Minister said she considers herself to be more active human rights activist who has actually worked for the people on ground in time of peak militancy and has moved from one corner of the state to the other to campaign for upholding rights of the people.

The Chief Minister said that violence has never helped address any situation but it is only dialogue process, which is the way out. She said that certain political groups who earlier shut their doors to talks, agreed to meet the recent civil society group from New Delhi, something what should have been done earlier to save the turmoil from extending so long.

The Chief Minister said that the Government is all for the welfare of the police personnel. She said that certain reforms are required to be brought about in the Police Acts, however such reforms should start right from the academy itself.

The Chief Minister said that the Government will work towards providing best facilities at the Academy. “You need to be the best among the lot and develop as an elite police force”, she added.

The Chief Minister said that there has to be no room for corruption and absolute transparency shall also have be maintained in the recruitment process at all levels. She also enumerated various steps being taken and proposal being considered for the welfare of police force.

In his address the Deputy Chief Minister congratulated the newly passed out trainees for entering in a service crucial to nurture peace, protect the life and property of citizens, curb crimes and maintain law and order for all round progress and development. He advised them to perform their duties with dedication, commitment and devotion to achieve the tangible results in maintaining peace.

Making his remarks the Director General of Police K Rajendra congratulated the officers and wished all the best   for their better future in the police force. He impressed upon them to work with honesty and dedication to come up to the expectations of people and the police organization. He lauded the role of JKP in dealing with difficult law order situations and helping in maintaining peace.  He said that during their basic training course they were put to training in different areas of policing like investigation skills, crime control, weaponry, terrorism and counter action, information technology and disaster management etc.

Earlier, in the welcome address, Director SKPA gave detail of various components of training imparted to the passing out trainee officers.

The Chief Minister also inspected the parade and took salute at the March Past. She also gave away prizes to the best adjudged trainee officers. Among the Probationer Dy SPs, Dr Sunniya Wani was adjudged as All Round Best Cadet and was awarded the Sword of Honour and CM’s certificate of appreciation. Akash Kohli won the best rider, Sahil Mahajan the best sportsman, Sharad best marksman, Sheikh Adil Mushtaq was adjudged first in outdoor while as, Sakib Gani as first  in indoor activities. He also won second all round best cadet award. Among the prosecuting officers Bazila Bashir was given all round best Cadet award and best in indoor activities. While as, Sidharth Thakur was adjudged best in outdoor activities.